Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Adventure - here we come! Tomorrow we set out on our month long, 7,000 mile cross country road trip. Greg has spent the last week building a bed platform in the back of our Subaru, I've spent the last week preparing somewhat healthy food for us on the road and we are (mostly) packed and ready to go!

Trying my new bed out.
Just wait 'til Greg climbs in!

I am excited, scared, nervous and a little sad. I barely slept last night thinking of all the things that need to be done and that caused a slight emotional breakdown today. The breakdown however had little to do with the trip and more to do with out dog. As I walked passed Finny laying on the steps looking up at me I realized how much I'm going to miss him. So I'm sad mostly because I'll miss Finn (and the rest of my family and friends of course). Nervous that I'm not prepared for this journey - physically, mentally, emotionally and quite literally - have I packed everything I'll need?  Most of all though, I'm excited. Excited to see how much we can learn, laugh and explore over the next few weeks.

My Finnigan ❤
The main purpose of this blog is to keep our family and friends updated on our whereabouts, goings on and overall well being. It will also give us a chance to document our travels for our own sake, as well as keep anyone interested entertained at our inevitably laughable adventures.

We'll be posting pictures and videos mostly here and on our Instagram page  (TBD) as often as time/Wifi access allows. I'll try to notify everyone via Facebook and Instagram when I've posted an update.

We are so excited to take our first single step on our journey! Chicago here we come!

Kelly and Greg